The Ultimate Cigar Experience
These days, more people are finding enjoyment in the taste and aroma of a good cigar. It can be a relaxing ritual, a meditative experience, or a time for personal reflection.
If you were ever interested in enjoying a premium cigar but felt intimidated, join us at Vintage Cigar Lounge for the perfect “first time.” You and your friends will learn the basics and possibly discover a new pastime.
Location: Vintage Cigar Lounge – 355 The Bridge Street Huntsville, Al #117. Located across from Pieology and next to Great American Cookie
Restrictions: This experience is for adults 21 years of age and older. Have a government issued ID to show. Masks are required to enter. State CDC social distancing guidelines will be followed.
What is included: An introduction to the proper way to cut, light, and smoke a cigar from a cigar aficionado, two drinks (one whiskey and one whiskey cocktail), and one premium cigar.
The Ultimate Cigar Experience
These days, more people are finding enjoyment in the taste and aroma of a good cigar. It can be a relaxing ritual, a meditative experience, or a time for personal reflection.
If you were ever interested in enjoying a premium cigar but felt intimidated, join us at Vintage Cigar Lounge for the perfect “first time.” You and your friends will learn the basics and possibly discover a new pastime.
Location: Vintage Cigar Lounge – 355 The Bridge Street Huntsville, Al #117. Located across from Pieology and next to Great American Cookie
Restrictions: This experience is for adults 21 years of age and older. Have a government issued ID to show. Masks are required to enter. State CDC social distancing guidelines will be followed.
What is included: An introduction to the proper way to cut, light, and smoke a cigar from a cigar aficionado, two drinks (one whiskey and one whiskey cocktail), and one premium cigar.