Monday-Saturday: 10:00AM - 9:00PM
Sunday: 12:00PM - 7:00PM

REEDS Jewelers

Since 1946 REEDS Jewelers has been providing its customers with fine jewelry, exquisite diamonds and fine Swiss timepieces. REEDS Jewelers knows buying jewelry is as much about the experience as it is about the piece itself. People love to tell the story of how they found their favorite wrist watch or how they were able to pick out the most breathtaking engagement ring, and they want to help you bring that story to life.


Pandora designs, manufactures and markets hand-finished and contemporary jewelry made from high-quality materials at affordable prices. Celebrate life’s special moments with jewelry to treasure forever. Pandora has beautiful collections of earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets and signature charms.

Kendra Scott

Designer, CEO and philanthropist, Kendra Scott started her company in 2002, with only $500 and just three months after her first son was born. Going door to door at boutiques armed with only a tea box full of her jewelry, Kendra wowed potential customers with her infectious personality and unique eye for design.

The foundation of Kendra’s success has been her innate ability to utilize natural stones and custom designed shapes, which has brought her from a small start-up to a multi-million dollar business loved globally. Kendra has created collections of timeless pieces that have won over loyal fans, media and celebrities alike.

Today, the company continues to design and operate out of Austin, TX with a focus on Family, Fashion & Philanthropy. In the past 12 months, the company donated $1M and 50,000 pieces of jewelry while working with over 1,000 local and national organizations.

Jared the Galleria of Jewelry

Jared The Galleria of Jewelry is the leading off-mall destination specialty retail jewelry chain that features five times the selection of other jewelry stores. Jared’s expert staff, paired with an extensive fine jewelry selection, provides customers with a memorable shopping experience by offering exceptional quality, service, everyday low prices and remarkable craftsmanship.


GROGAN JEWELERS BY LON has a long, rich history of providing clients with quality merchandise and outstanding customer service. When you’re buying a piece of lifetime jewelry, it only makes sense to purchase from a lifetime jeweler, which is exactly who they are. They strive to be your family jewelry store for generations to come.


Shop Claire’s for the latest trends in jewelry and accessories for girls, teens and tweens. Find must-have hair accessories, stylish beauty products and more.